Wednesday, April 23, 2014

I'm smaller and stronger; just not lighter.

Weigh In Wednesday, 4/23/14: I'm up 2 pounds from last Wednesday, however it appears that I've lost inches. Some stayed the same as last week, and some are down up to 2", from 4/16 when I took initial measurements, so all in all I guess that makes me happy. Measurements don't lie, so the ass busting I've been doing IS working, it's making me smaller and stronger, just not lighter. Might be time to trade my scale for a tape measure and let go of my idea that I need a normal bmi.

Neck 11
Waist 32
Hips 37
Arms 11
Thigh 19
Bust 34

Neck 11
Waist 31
Hips 35
Arms 11
Thighs 19
Bust 32

This all really messes with my head and I think I need some help with that part. Getting heavier and smaller at the same time is weird. I guess I want to be smaller, and healthy in general, so that's all good. I just have hung on to this "goal" of a normal BMI since I started and it's looking less likely I'll hit it. I look so much better (3 weeks into TURBO) and I'm really toning up. If I can get the loose skin to recover on my own, I won't need to have skin removal surgery and therefore a normal BMI isn't "necessary" for surgery. So then the goal of a normal BMI can go away. I can let go of that I guess and focus on a new goal. What that new goal is I have no idea! Amazing what I'm learning on my journey. About health and fitness and about myself! It's really been an amazing trip!

And for those wondering... I'm 5'4"/170 lbs, size 8/10.

My BMI 29.2 (overweight). "Your Healthy Weight Range is: 108 to 145 pounds".

My goal was to get to that weight range. And I was shooting for 128. Now I just don't know. I think now I'd be ecstatic if I hit 145 and called it done! 145 would be "normal range" albeit the highest part of normal. Still, normal = happy health and longevity, which IS what I'm going for after all.

So with that said, I'm going to keep on going. My size is reducing and clearly that's where my body needs to focus, since that's what's happening. I know I'm eating great, so the diet is in check. I'm working on eating back the calories I burn in Turbo. I'm getting better but am still a work in progress.

I know things will keep happening as long as I keep going, so that's what I'm going to do!

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