Thursday, November 16, 2017

WHY I created the MyFitnessPal Ladies Group on Facebook

WHY did you JOIN my group, MyFitnessPal Ladies?

Is it because you use the MFP app? 

Are you a new user? 

A seasoned veteran?

Maybe it’s because you love the ALL LADY aspect of this group?

Maybe it’s the women’s health support?

WHY I CREATED THIS GROUP: I wanted to create a comfortable place for women to BAND TOGETHER while on the journey to become healthy. Be it losing weight, GAINING weight, support with Strength Training, need for new recipes, whatever!

This is a SAFE PLACE for you to feel comfortable to share and support, learn, and more. We focus on GENERAL WOMEN’S HEALTH AND FITNESS and with using MyFitnessPal; including tutorials, tips, tricks, recipes, whatever!

Not everyone here uses this app, and that’s OKAY! Maybe they did at one time, and no longer use it. Maybe they’re curious to see if it’s something they want to try. Maybe they just want to have a place to feel okay to share and ask questions.

What I like to do, when responding to a question is to keep in mind, there is NO RIGHT or WRONG way to achieve our goals. Do I eat 1200 calories a day? G-d no! I have to eat more. That’s what I DO. Doesn’t mean that is what I REQUIRE others to do. It’s NOT A ONE SIZE FITS ALL SOLUTION.

What we DO have in common? We’re ALL WOMEN, and we ALL WANT TO BE HEALTHIER. So, let’s embrace that, and support that, and cheer each other on, wherever we are on our journey to accomplish our goals.

No matter what the reason, I’m sooooooo happy you’re all here.

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Join my Ladies MFP Facebook group: