Tuesday, May 29, 2012

My Body This Coming Week

My Body This Coming Week
Your baby is beginning to drop in your pelvis and you may have noticed that the shape of your abdomen has changed because of this. This may also cause increased pressure in your pelvic region.

While Braxton Hicks contractions are probably becoming more regular, you may also experience false labor. This is different from Braxton Hicks contractions because false labor, unlike Braxton Hicks, can be very painful. These contractions are irregular and usually last under 45 seconds and are not sustained. If you are unsure if you are experiencing false labor, you should contact your care provider.

If your water breaks, you should contact your doctor immediately.

You may have bloody show that occurs as the cervix stretches and dilates, especially right after a vaginal exam. You may also pass a mucus plug. Neither bloody show or passing the mucus plug necessarily indicates that labor will commence right away, but it will not be far away.

My Baby This Coming Week
Your baby weighs almost 5 lbs (2250 g) and is 12.8 inches (32cm) from crown to rump and about 19.8 inches (44cm) long.

If your baby were born now, she would be considered "pre-term" rather than premature. This distinction is based on fetal maturity, particularly the maturity of the fetal lungs. A pre-term baby, unlike a premature baby, is likely to have well-developed lungs and is less likely to need intensive care.

Your baby is surrounded by a red glow when sunlight shines on your belly and may be aware of this as she is able to differentiate between light and dark.

Your baby's hair is getting thicker, though it may be a different color when she is older.

She is currently shedding her lanugo, the fine downy hair that previously covered her body.

More vernix, the waxy coating that protects your baby's skin while submerged in amniotic fluid, is building up.

Your baby's adrenal glands are producing more steroid hormone, the androgen-like hormone that indirectly aids your milk production. Your baby is currently producing ten times more of this hormone than a normal adult and the adrenal glands are currently the same size as those of an adolescent. They will shrink after birth.

Your baby is laying down bone. To do this, she will draw calcium from you.

Your baby has taste buds and it has been suggested that she can taste and develop tastes for flavors found in the amniotic fluid, particularly flavors that you eat on a regular basis.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

My Body This Coming Week

My Body This Coming Week
Your weight gain by now may be as much as 28 lbs and you are gaining weight faster than at any other time in your pregnancy. This is because your baby is growing rapidly right now. Your blood volume has increased 40% to meet your baby's needs and your uterus has grown 500 times since before you were pregnant. You may be feeling uncomfortable and feel the need to urinate frequently.You may be experiencing vivid dreams.

My Baby This Coming Week
Your baby now weighs about 4.4 lbs (2000g) and measures about 12 inches (30cm) from crown to rump and about 19.4 inches (43cm) in total. Now that your baby is running out of room in your womb, you can probably see your belly moving as your baby kicks. Your baby may dream as he sleeps and when awake he may be alert, listening, feeling and even seeing dim shapes.

Though your baby is still inside the womb, he is learning all the time as billions of neurons are making connections. Your baby is probably in his birth position by now. Your baby's lungs may be sufficiently developed by now, though if he were born now, he would probably still need an incubator to stay warm.


Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Pregnant After A Loss, How I Got Through.

After my first loss when I got PG again, I was a wreck. Every day was stressful and worry filled. I was basically paranoid and miserable. And then that did end up in a m/c loss. So now two back to back losses and I was highly determined to give it one more shot.

My first loss came in the 2nd trimester, my 2nd loss came between 8-10 weeks.

When I got PG again (this PG) I decided it is what it is. This will be my last shot and no matter what happens, "Today I am Pregnant".

I just knew that no matter the outcome, this is the last time I'm putting myself through this. The heartache of loss is too much for me to bear over and over, so if this PG is meant to be, yay, and if not, I'm going to savor every possible moment I can.

So yeah, taking it all in one day at a time works best for me. I just think about what I need to get done today. I'm not worried about tomorrow. I try not to over plan.

I got my BFP. Yay. That day I was PG
I had a beta. Yay. high HCG. That day I was PG
I had another beta. Yay, more than doubled. That day I was PG.
I had an u/s. Yay a HB. That day I was PG.

On days that I didn't have an appointment, I had a symptom. Any symptom meant that on that day, I was PG.

Doctors order labs/tests. I go to them. take them. Hopefully pass them. On the the next hurdle. But try not to think about it. It's in the calendar. That's all. No countdown tickers to the next thing. Just focus on what I have to do "today".

This was my strategy this time. I guess finding peace with it all helped too. Since I knew this was my last time, no matter what the outcome, I was going to savor, not stress.

And now I'm in the 3rd trimester. I can see the finish line, but again, not dwelling on it. Today I am PG. Hopeful to see my son soon. Knowing I won't fully let out a sigh of relief until I hold him and hear his cries.

So take it all in one day at a time and remind yourself often that "Today you are pregnant".

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

My Body This Coming Week

My Body This Coming Week

Your uterus now extends to about 5 inches (12cm) above your belly button. You probably continue to feel tired and may sometimes feel dizzy. You feel your baby's kicking regularly. Your baby is probably in the head down position by now and is long enough that his legs can reach your ribs. The pressure of your baby's legs can make your ribcage sore. Taking care to sit or stand straight may alleviate this discomfort somewhat. You may feel short of breath, have heartburn, round ligament pain, a stuffy nose and other pregnancy symptoms. Your pelvic joints may have expanded for the birth and this may cause some discomfort. You may feel a desire to "nest" which may make you want to bake, clean and get things in order around your home.

My Baby This Coming Week

Your baby's total length is 18.9 inches (42cm) and she is perfectly formed! She measures about 11.6 inches (29cm) from crown to rump. All she has to do is fill out more. Your baby weighs almost 4 pounds (1800g). If she were to be born now, she would still need to be incubated as she has insufficient fat stores to keep it warm.

Your baby can distinguish between light and dark.

Your baby can hear the outside world quite well now, and can also hear the sounds of your heartbeat, your digestion and the blood rushing in the umbilical cord. The pitch of women's voices are in the range babies are most able to hear over all the internal background noise. Your baby is already familiar with your voice and will be able to recognize it after birth.



Sunday, May 13, 2012

Re-Scan 3D pictures

We did the scan. Better pic but terrible position. Can't control that though. And the DVD didn't record. She said we could try for the DVD again but it would be the end of may. She's all booked up. So not sure if I will bother. May be too late. 

So here are a few of the better pics.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Varicose Veins in weird places!

One just popped up on my middle finger knuckle on my left hand. It's so strange, and slightly annoying.

I was in the shower just now, washing my hair and my finger had a sudden "ouch" moment. I look down and see this bulging pulsing blue vein that wasn't visible before the shower.

Honestly, I've never had this before in any of my other pregnancies... VV in my finger that is.

So weird!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Saved for later... Diaper Bag stocked up with...

Extra clothes... seriously 2-3 extra outfits/onesies

Diapers, usually around 8-10 at any given time. I'd rather have overkill on this. Diapers rip too, and that's a headache if you don't have back ups for the back ups. (we use disposable in the diaper bag)

Blanket/changing pad that you can put down anywhere to change the baby on.

(usually around 6 mo) Bibs, also disposable for the diaper bag. Think "Bibsters"

(usually around 6 mo) Table covers, again, disposable. These are great, especially when the baby starts eating cheerios, etc. when you're out and about. The highchairs and table tops at restaurants... ewwww. This made me feel better about the kid eating right off the table.

Bottles. If breastfeeding, it's still not a bad idea to have these. Put the breastmilk in a cooler in the diaper bag, pour as needed. Toss whatever's left when you get home and re-set the next time.

And if not breastfeeding, aka using formula, a nice trick we picked up was pre-measuring the formula powder in the bottle, and loading those in the bag. Then having a few extra baggies also preloaded with the powder. All you'd have to do is add the water, shake and serve. But didn't have to worry about spoilage. Use when you need kind of thing.

If you want to cover up while BF in public, then toss one of those in the bag too. (I personally didn't bother with the cover. I found it to be more of a pain to use then to just do what I needed to do)

Wipes! You can NEVER have too many wipes. Seriously. Mouth, nose, tushy, etc. They're wonderful.

Paci's if you'll use them. Extras are nice to have.

Empty gallon size ziplocks. Usually about 10 each time. They hold used diapers, soiled clothes, used bottles, etc. They're wonderful.

Hand sanitizer (more for you), lip balm, nipple cream, and hand lotion.

Some small toys (rattles, teething rings, etc).

baby carrier - Beco, Ergo, Moby Wrap, Bjorn... what ever one you're using, nice to have in the bag for when baby needs to be worn.

first aid/medications like baby tylenol, and band-aids. You never know and can't be too prepared.

rubber bands. Yes, rubber bands. They come in handy when you need to quickly baby proof an area and they don't take up too much space.

My Kid, My Name Choice!

My mother keeps pressing me to reveal the name we chose for the baby. I got tired of her asking so told her we've narrowed the field but not officially chosen it yet.

She then asked whom I was naming him after? I told him he was getting a Hebrew middle name to honor the memory of DH's aunt, and his English middle name is the same as DH's and FIL. A passed down family name. And that the first name was just a name we both liked that went well with DD's.

She got really upset that I wouldn't use the first name to honor a dead relative and then she really pushed hard I should name the baby after her Uncle Abe.

Uncle Abe had two granddaughters. One is already married with one child and the other will also probably get married soon and begin to have kids. They are both much younger than me and have many years ahead of them to have more kids. He was their grandfather. I'm sure his name will be carried on through them.

This didn't make her feel better and she actually cried and said I wasn't being reasonable.

Excuse me... this is MY child. Give me a break.

So that's the reason I'm just keeping this name to myself until he's born. I can't handle all this "guilt tripping" to sway my decision. Because honestly, it is MY decision (not my mothers!!)

I'm over all the "grand-mama drama", you know??

Tuesday, May 8, 2012


Siblings! Side by Side, and wow these two look alike!


Natalya at 1 day old, (39w), and Hiccup at 29w6d

Cried and Cried last night...

I'm getting quite overwhelmed these days. DH has moved out of our bed at nights cause my pregnancy pillows have taken over. Sure I'm sleeping slightly better, but I miss him.

I had to ask my father for financial aid to help with this baby's daycare costs coming up, and I lost it. The reality of DH still being out of work with $0 income is setting in. Our savings is just about gone, and soon I'm going to be on unpaid maternity leave.

We don't even know how we're going to make the rent! AND just found out the rent is going up $25 a month this July! I'm too PG to move right now, so we're having to stay put. I just don't know what we're going to do?

I'm getting WIC now and just filled out an application for food stamps! How did I get to this place? I have a degree, and DH has an MBA! We have skills! Why can't we get income?

I've been the rock for most of this pregnancy holding DH's hand and telling him it's all going to work out. He's lowered his expectations and is now even applying for retail jobs just to get something. But day after day rejection after rejection.

I'm terrified we're going to end up homeless and in a shelter. This is all madness and I don't know how to cope.

And then... crap.... baby is coming too! I just don't know what we're going to do, and honestly I'm terrified. With no family nearby, I feel so alone right now.

I know, no solutions here, just needed a place to vent I guess. Thanks if you read this far.

Maybe the next opportunity is a day away and this will all still work itself out. (Putting my rose colored glasses back on now...)

My Body This Coming Week

My Body This Coming Week

Most women have gained about 19 pounds by this point in pregnancy. The weight gain is made up of the baby, the placenta and the amniotic fluid as well as enlarged breasts, an increase in blood volume, water storage, fat and protein.

You feel your baby moving about regularly and this may cause you to feel bonded with him. You don't need to worry though if you do not already feel bonded with your baby. For some women, the baby still seems abstract when it is inside. You may bond rapidly or gradually after the birth.

Fatigue will probably continue and you may feel breathless after physical activity.

Colostrum may be leaking from your breasts. However, this does not occur for all women and in no way indicates that there will be a problem breastfeeding if colostrum is not present before birth.

You may have trouble sleeping for various reasons: it may be difficult to find a comfortable position, you may have to urinate frequently during the night, baby's activity can prevent you from sleeping and you may be feeling anxious.

Your back probably aches since the muscles and ligaments that support it have begun to relax and loosen in preparation for labor.

You may have also developed some varicose veins.

My Baby This Coming Week

Your baby now weighs about 3.5 lbs (1600g) and measures about 18 inches (40cm) in total and about 11.2 inches (28cm) from crown to rump.

Your baby's increasing size means that she has less room to move around in your uterus.

Your baby could already be moving into the head-down position.

Your baby's lungs are maturing and their lining, which prevents air sacs from collapsing, is growing. This lung development means that your baby would have a much greater chance of survival if he were born prematurely.

About 16 fluid ounces of blood are flowing through the wall of your uterus to the site of the placenta, though your blood never mixes with your baby's blood. It is separated by the placental barrier which is a very thin wall. Water, nutrients and waste are exchanged across this barrier at a rate of 0.3 fluid ounces per second.

Your baby swallows amniotic fluid and urinates.

Your baby's ears are sufficiently developed to hear and recognize your voice, the voices of other family members as well as familiar musical tunes.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Sharing 3D Scan pics

Back from my 3D/4D scan. Not exactly what I was hoping for, but still overall a cool experience. I personally think the pics were more blurry than they should have been, but what can you do?

Anyway, here are some of the better ones. He was very cute and moving like crazy. Maybe that's why they were blurry, kid wouldn't hold still!

ETA: Apparently the blur is my fault. I wasn't hydrated enough, and apparently (just found out after the fact) that one needs to be crazy hydrated for clearer pics. I've been crazy dehydrated and can't get ahead of it. Damn. All my fault then. Boo. Cause they're not re-doing these for us. And I can't afford to do again. Oh well. At least he's cute. Blurry, but cute.



ETA: I sent a note to the 3D place to see if a re-do could happen for no extra charge. Not holding my breath, but figure if I don't ask, I won't get. Can't afford to pay for another session.
It is what it is, and yeah, he totally looks like Natalya! love1

Guess I'll just have to wait 9 more weeks to meet him. In person is always better then a scan anyway.

UPDATE: Scanning place is looking into a possible re-scan this week. She (owner) needs to see pics first and will be getting back to me. FX we'll get a second shot!

Friday, May 4, 2012

Not preeclampsia, but...

What a long 3 days it's been. So all my pre-e tests came back as fine, I don't have it. Didn't think I did. But I'm still on orders to stay home, modified bed rest through the weekend, and as long as everything is okay, can go back to work Monday. Want to make sure the "GI" stuff gets under control. Honestly, I'm just dehydrated, but borderline for concern. So for now, off my feet, take it easy, drink drink drink, and go from there.

So in actuality... I've been sent to my room. lol.

Next up... (assuming I get the GI stuff under control this weekend) u/s and OB apt on 5.21.

Oh, and the 3D/4D scan on Monday 5.7. But that's not OB ordered, more just for us, and I can't wait!!!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Really? I mean... Really????

Having a day. Meh.  

Woke up, got the household up and moving. Puked my guts out and continued with my day.  

After much thinking I decided to call my OBs nurse and see if they can just order me some zofran. Having morning sickness develop in the 3rd trimester, well I just don't have the patience for it. 

So the nurse says I need to come in. I go. They check my BP and pee. BP 137/72. Not great but not overly concerning. However, since my BP has been teetering on the higher side they are concerned.  

So they check my pee and decide that yes I can have the zofran. She's working on the pre auth paperwork now so that hopefully I can get the blessed no more puke pills by Friday.  

Ok, great, thanks.  

What? There's more?? 

I then had to go to the lab for a surprise blood draw. I have no idea why. Oh and they want me to collect my pee for 24 hrs. Eww. And need me back at the OB office Friday.  

So because I have to fill this enormous jug with all my pee, and the jug has to be refrigerated, I decided its best to just take tomorrow off. Could you imagine the grossed out looks I'd get from my co-workers in the beak room? Lol.  

Seems like much ado just to get zofran. I know, it's all for the best. Better safe then sorry, but man what a day.  

Okay fine. I get we're looking for preeclampsia.  I don't think I have that. Honestly, I think I'm dehydrated and could probably benefit from having a few bags of saline pumped into me.  

So I'm staying home tomorrow. Figured I'd catch up on my DVRd shows. Not likely. Apparently that feature seems to have broken down and my cable provider can't figure it out. They suggest having someone out to replace the box. New box means I lose all the saved shows.  


That was my day. At least there is Netflix and Amazon prime.  

It's all so insane I just have to laugh. Otherwise I'd cry from being so overwhelmed. 

Apparently for me, M/S comes in the 3rd trimester

Boo! Woke up this morning, felt off. Fast forward 30 min. later and I was emptying the contents of my stomach. Sure, there wasn't any food there, but apparently that didn't make a lick of difference. I hate this, and it's so nasty. Not at all how I want to begin my day, right?

I asked my OB about this, and he said there really wasn't anything I could take to help this. B6, unisom, zofran... wouldn't help in the least. So I suffer and soldier on.

I pray this isn't going to hang on until the very end. I'm already uncomfortable, didn't need to add this to the mix.


Well, that was interesting. I called the OB office, spoke to the nurse who had me come in. They checked my BP 137/72, had me pee in a cup. Then they said they'd call in zofran for me, but I asked for them to work out all the pre-auth stuff first and call me once it's really ready to go. (can't afford it without insurance covering the cost). So hopefully in the next 1-2 days I'll finally have some zofran at my bedside... just in case.

Figured that'd be it.


They sent me down to the lab. Took more blood, and gave me a huge container to fill up with my pee. Yes, they want me to collect my pee for 24 hours, and bring it back to the lab tomorrow. THEN I get to go back to my OB on Friday for another visit.

Care to guess what they're looking for??? Boo. I seriously doubt I have pre-eclampsia, but I guess better to rule it out, right?

So... as it turns out, I will NOT be going to work tomorrow. I can't deal with peeing in that thing and leaving my pee in the company refrigerator.  :oops:

I decided NOT to share with my work, but just told them OB wants me on bedrest for 1 day, and I'd be back Friday after the OB visit in the morning.


3rd trimester fun. ;)

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

My Body This Coming Week

My Body This Coming Week

Your uterus has now risen to about 4 inches above your bellybutton. Backache probably continues and you are probably feeling increasingly fatigued. This may be exacerbated since you may also have trouble sleeping. Whenever possible, try to put your feet up. Extra pillows will probably help you to find a comfortable sleeping position.

You may be constipated; your nose may be stuffed; and you may have the occasional nosebleed. You may also have trouble breathing as your enlarged uterus crowds your lungs. You may at times feel faint and dizzy. You probably feel huge, but you'll get bigger still!

Some women take great pleasure in their changing form while others feel it is a nuisance. If you are among the latter, you can take comfort in knowing that it is temporary, that your partner and others probably find you especially beautiful, that you are as close as you can be to your baby and that your body is providing him with all he needs.

My Baby This Coming Week

Your baby now weighs about 3 lbs (1400g), measures about 10.8 (27cm) inches from crown to rump and measures about 17 inches (38cm) from head to toe.

Your baby is probably aware of your Braxton Hicks contractions, which you experience regularly, even when you do not notice them.

By this time, your baby is very active and you feel its movements frequently.

Your baby is still practicing breathing movements which have now become rhythmic.

Sometimes your baby gets the hiccups when she accidentally swallows amniotic fluid the wrong way.

She is getting fatter and plumper. On an ultrasound, you can see your baby's activities quite easily.

Your baby has periods of rest and periods of activity now. Your baby is probably most active when you are trying to rest.