Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Apparently for me, M/S comes in the 3rd trimester

Boo! Woke up this morning, felt off. Fast forward 30 min. later and I was emptying the contents of my stomach. Sure, there wasn't any food there, but apparently that didn't make a lick of difference. I hate this, and it's so nasty. Not at all how I want to begin my day, right?

I asked my OB about this, and he said there really wasn't anything I could take to help this. B6, unisom, zofran... wouldn't help in the least. So I suffer and soldier on.

I pray this isn't going to hang on until the very end. I'm already uncomfortable, didn't need to add this to the mix.


Well, that was interesting. I called the OB office, spoke to the nurse who had me come in. They checked my BP 137/72, had me pee in a cup. Then they said they'd call in zofran for me, but I asked for them to work out all the pre-auth stuff first and call me once it's really ready to go. (can't afford it without insurance covering the cost). So hopefully in the next 1-2 days I'll finally have some zofran at my bedside... just in case.

Figured that'd be it.


They sent me down to the lab. Took more blood, and gave me a huge container to fill up with my pee. Yes, they want me to collect my pee for 24 hours, and bring it back to the lab tomorrow. THEN I get to go back to my OB on Friday for another visit.

Care to guess what they're looking for??? Boo. I seriously doubt I have pre-eclampsia, but I guess better to rule it out, right?

So... as it turns out, I will NOT be going to work tomorrow. I can't deal with peeing in that thing and leaving my pee in the company refrigerator.  :oops:

I decided NOT to share with my work, but just told them OB wants me on bedrest for 1 day, and I'd be back Friday after the OB visit in the morning.


3rd trimester fun. ;)

1 comment:

  1. That's total BS! I'm sorry. But I think it's crap your OB won't even give you suggestions to try stuff. My OB --and the PA at the office who I see on a more regular basis-- work with me until the very end of my pregnancy[ies] to make sure we have a damned good med protocol in place to make me as comfortable as possible.

    There are plenty of things you could try taking to help. Sometimes they'll work, sometimes they won't. Just depends on the person. I am sick through delivery and my meds help even in the third trimester.

    The problem with morning sickness returning in the end is that baby is getting so big and it's squishing your digestive system. Zantac can help because it keeps acid production down, preventing it from backing up into your esophagus (and this backup of acid can cause nausea and in turn, vomiting). Phenergan, B6/unison, meclizine, compazine are all fantastic for general nausea. You can also try home remedies such as sea bands, ginger, sour candies, peppermint tea, etc. For the actual vomiting, zofran is your best bet. Sometimes though something less "strong" than zofran will work just as well, if not better. Often times you have to play around to figure out what is the best med, or combination of meds to find what works for you.

    Personally, I'd still try something OTC to see if it helps. Maybe the zantac, B6/unisom or meclizine (which I am starting today for the nausea since zofran only stops the puking for me) at a low dose. If you need doses, or more information send me a message through FB.

