Friday, June 17, 2011

Busy Father's Day Weekend Ahead

Just back from Friday Lunch date. Today we went to the mall and ate Quiznos (sub sandwich) and did some shopping! :D Tried on new sneakers, really liked the new balance, but needed 1/2 size smaller then they had. So the sneaker search continues. (The pair I bought at Macy's are too small, so they have to go back!) I will never buy shoes online again without first trying them on in a store!

Went to Kohls, they're having a pretty good sale today. Bought a new purse and got 50% off! Yay! So that's pretty awesome too (I looooovvveeeee pocketbooks!!)

Today is Natalya's last official day of school. Monday she goes back for "summer session" for one week, then "camp" for four weeks. I use quotes, 'cause it's all at the same place basically doing the same shtick with more playing and less "learning" I suppose. Not sure if it counts as "summer vacation" if you don't have a change of scenery or routine.

Busy weekend plans for us and we're cramming way too much in for just two days. Tonight is a COSTCO run (oy), Saturday I need to get the laundry all done, return books to the library, go sleeping bag shopping for DD (Going camping in July), return the too small sneakers to Macy's and get DD's hair trimmed. Sunday, I have to make Craig breakfast in bed, give the dad day gifts, and make the dad day calls to my dad and dad in law, then we're going to have a picnic on top of a mountain. I suppose I'll have to figure out dinner that night too (I am NOT a cook!!!), maybe pizza! ;)

And of course... Game of Thrones season finale Sunday night. Yes, I'm excited for it, and yes, I know I'm lame for being excited for it.

Now I'm off to transfer the contents of my old purse into my new purse. Then I'll have to figure out how to kill the remaining two hours I have left at the office, as I have no more work to do until Monday or Tuesday next week.

Happy weekend everyone.

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