Thought I'd take a photo each time I run outside to share the scenery and maybe a sweaty pic too. :)
5/20/2013: Just finished week 1 day 1 of #C25K - 5/20 baby! Perkins Pier, with BOB stroller, no Zach, in the rain!!! No excuses, just GO for it! :)
View from my run this morning at Perkins Pier in Burlington, VT. It was cool and rainy. Reminded me of early mornings in Monterey, CA.
5/22/2013: Just finished week 1 day 2 of #C25K - new shoes and doubling up on the bras made a big difference. Now to get out earlier -IT. IS. HOT-
My jogging scenery today. Decided to run in my neighborhood. Lots of hills, and super pretty. Smelled wonderful too, lots of fresh May flowers in bloom.
5/25/2013: YAM SCRAM! 1/2 mile continuous run at the Waterfront Park with my daughter in the freezing cold pouring rain! We had a wonderful time!!! (Pics are not in any particular order)
6/4/2013: After a long break from running... Stupid norovirus, I'm BACK. Running again in the neighborhood. It's a beautiful day today. I can't believe how much I've missed from driving around in the car all these years. Friendly neighbors waving as I run/walk past. Beautiful homes, and the flowers smell so fresh, sweet and it's all just lovely.