Friday, April 8, 2011

Working for the Weekends again!! :)

Hi All! Been a busy week (love it)! Made it to FRIDAY! Woot! Another Friday, another lunch date with Hubby, except today we're "shopping" not eating. I don't much care what we do as long as we're spending time together.

It's beautiful out, and warming up, so I'm getting excited to get outside. Next week is my birthday and DH is taking me to my favorite restaurant for lunch (fancy) and then we're going out that night to see "Your Highness" while DD stays home with a babysitter. Super excited to see a R rated movie at night without kid in tow. Truly all I wanted for my birthday. lol.

Craig officially has his MBA. Got an "A" for his final project, and now we just wait for the ceremony on May 6. But he can now call him self an MBA graduate. So proud of him, and very happy to have him back on the weekends. So much is going to get done now, and a little relief when taking on the 4 year old. Won't have to keep going at it alone. :D

Oh and yes, feeling much better. Nasty Cold! It lasted about a week and a half. Still a little gunky, but not at all the same caliber as it was before.

So what's the plan for this weekend??? We're taking a load of stuff over to goodwill. Spring purging so to speak... aka take back my house! Then maybe will try "bowling" with DD for the first time. Could be fun or a disaster, not sure which. We've given up on Gymnastics. She's just not into it, and I don't have the energy to force her to go anymore. At least I'm only out the $30. Could have been much worse.

Working for the weekends again. Feels nice to be looking forward to weekend fun again. I could get used to this really fast!

Hope you all have a great Friday and fun weekends too.

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