In 2008 we had a 2nd trimester loss. Due to genetic malformation, the baby wouldn't survived. NOT Viable. So with great sadness we ended that pregnancy with a D&E at 19w2d.
In Nov. 2009, we started TTC again. Happily 8 months later we were rewarded with a BFP. Elated and excited. Until we realised there was a problem. Sure enough, this baby's heart stopped and it was over. This time my body DID begin to miscarry on it's own, and with the help of the hospital, we had a D&C this time.
So 2 losses, 1 miscarriage, and 1 healthy and happy little girl at home with us.
After months of not getting better, horrible periods and needing percocet to get through them, it was discovered that I had a mass in my uterus that was getting bigger and bigger. My options were hystorectomy or laproscopic myomectomy surgery. I took the myomectomy.
Once healed up from that, the last u/s showed all was well on the inside.
So after a few months of recovery and healing, we decided to TTC again. 3rd try's the charm.
I stopped temping, I half heartedly charted.
Now it's November 2011. I am newly pregnant again. Taking it all in one day at a time. I know all too well that good beta numbers doesn't mean I'm safe from a m/c. I now know that they just get me to the next apt.
So I'm taking it all in. I'm 38, and will be 39 by my due date. Whatever the outcome, this will be my final chapter in pregnancy. This will be my last time.
Savoring the moments. Enjoying the glow. Hoping to bring my rainbow summer baby home to our loving family.
I've come full circle. My last pregnancy began in July 2010, and now, this being my true final pregnancy, should end in July 2012.