Wednesday, January 4, 2012

My Body This Coming Week at 13 weeks

At the ultrasound scan yesterday, the tech said "Hiccup" was now measuring ahead a week, at 12w5d, which technically means I'm closer to the 2nd trimester then I previously thought, but to keep everything simple, I'm keeping my ticker and "EDD" the same at 7/17 (since it's all variable anyway)

My Body This Coming Week at 13 weeks

You are beginning your second trimester of pregnancy.

Your uterus is growing rapidly and is filling the pelvis and moving up into the abdomen. If you are still having morning sickness, it may stop around this point.

Some women will get stretch marks on the breasts, hips and buttocks that may show up this early. They will later fade but will probably not disappear altogether. Some women experience itching around this time but it is more common later in pregnancy.

You probably have noticed changes in your breasts. They are becoming larger and heavier and the areola is probably darkening. They are preparing to secrete milk for your baby!

Your placenta is now well developed and is responsible for hormone production which was previously manufactured by your ovaries. Estrogen and progesterone are the primary hormones which are now being produced. These hormones are necessary for maintaining your pregnancy and inducing the changes necessary for it to progress.

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