Wednesday, February 9, 2011

iPhone Fun

Verizon Wireless began to sell the new iPhone 4 to the masses today at 3:01am. We stayed up to place our order. At 2:47am, I began inputing our order, and we hit submit at 2:55am. Was very surprised, but the order went though, so now I am the proud owner of a $400 confirmation number.

Phones shipping out on Friday 2/18, so should be in my possession Monday 2/21.

Valentine's Day presents to each other... Craig's is a 32GB, and mine is a 16GB, but I also have an iTouch, also with 16GB memory.

Can't wait to get it, set it up, and start using it. Going to make slow work day a bit more tolerable...

What a rush... getting the order in equates to the same feeling as being the 14th caller and winning concert tickets. Of course... it's after 4am now, and I'm putting up a blog post. I NEED TO SLEEP!!!

And I just know my daughter is going to be waking me up in less then 2 hours.

Soooo I'm taking a unisom, and hoping for the best. ;)

1 comment:

  1. Hey! I've been enjoying reading all of your posts even though I don't always comment on them. I've nominated you for an award! Come to my blog to claim it!
