Monday, September 24, 2012

A cluster this morning!

So we were a cluster this morning. Zach woke up at 2am hungry. Fed him until 4am when he finally went back to sleep. Unfortunately come later in the morning, I did not hear my 2 alarms go off. I woke up at 7:22am. My daughter is supposed to be at the bus stop by 7:38am. So you can see my issue here.

I jump out of bed, get Craig up. Run out to my daughters room to find her awake (thank goodness) but not dressed or ready in the least. The clock is ticking. I have to get her dressed, fed, and to the bus stop and I'm running out of time fast. Oh and I'm leaking milk, rather, gushing milk. I'm a soggy mess. I get Taly going, and I shove her and Craig out the door to the bus stop with minutes to spare. Sure she only got to eat half a baloney and cheese sandwich, and a sip of milk, but snack times not that far off?? Rolling Eyes

Then Zach wakes up and needs to be tended too. Never mind I haven't gotten dressed yet, nor had I changed, fed, or dressed him, and we needed to leave right then and there.

At least I got my daughter to school on time and in clothes. But sending her to the school bus with a baloney and cheese isn't exactly a "healthy" breakfast... so kind of a mommy fail.

I made Craig feed Zach a bottle. Nursing would have just taken too long this morning. I pumped quickly at home to catch the spillage, and put that 5 oz bottle in the fridge. When I finally got to work and was settled, I pumped another 10 oz out. I have no idea how my breasts did not explode.

Exactly when is this new morning routine suppose to get easier??? I'm on week 3 here, and we're still a bad family comedy on the FOX network!

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