Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Up at 5am, asleep before 10pm!

Today was a better start, as I was actually up at 5:15am. Okay, honestly I woke at 4am to a stirring baby, but since he didn't wake up, I didn't get up. Dozed until 5am, and pulled myself out of bed by 5:15am. Goodness that is just so early.

I did MY stuff including a shower, prepping bottles, getting ice packs into the lunch boxes, and making my lunch. Even got a cup of coffee in.

THEN I woke up Natalya who got mad at me as it looked dark and rainy out. As if I had any control over the weather, and besides, it was dark out because the sun wasn't up yet. BUT it was an hour before she needed to leave so I thought a good time to get her going.

Get her fed, and situated, and then off to get Craig up.

And the baby is STILL asleep, so to the pump I go. I get out 10 oz. And then get dressed. Craig is still not dressed, so I gave him a bottle of the milk I just pumped and got to walk Natalya to the bus stop.

Going to admit, I really enjoyed that.

So this morning I got to take care of Natalya while Craig tended to the baby. I still got to pump and got in a shower. Yay me.

I missed not getting to nurse Zach, but it's only one morning. They're not all going to be like this, right?

Tonight will be chaos too. In fact, I'm leaving work early for a dr. apt, and then running errands before getting the kids. It's Yom Kippur and I want to take Natalya to synagogue tonight for Kol Niedre. Time to start acting Jewish.

Which means Craig and Zach get a boys night home tonight. Great for them, not so great on my breasts; and I'll miss nursing time again with Zach.

Thankfully tomorrow being Yom Kippur and having Zach home all day, I'll get my nursing fix in, so I'm truly happy for that.

And as crazy as today is going to be, I still hope to be asleep before 10pm. If I can get to bed early, 5am doesn't hurt as much.

Guess we'll see...

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