Friday, September 21, 2012

Long Time No See!

Wow, it's been a long time since I've been over here to update my Blog! Sorry for anyone that reads this. ;)

So what's new?

I've returned to work and Zachary is now in full time day care. That's been really hard on me, but Zachary seems to be taking it all in just fine.

Natalya is doing great in Kindergarten and is really enjoying her new class and teacher. However she does also miss her pre-k friends. We're trying to keep up with the playdates for her so she can continue to be in their lives as well.

We continue to all stay pretty busy busy busy. Life as a family of four now keeps us running.

Craig and I celebrated our 9th wedding anniversary. We went to see Grace Potter and the Nocturnals. We got to bring Zach with us, so he's now officially been to his first rock concert too!

Natalya also started Hebrew School and is going to Ohavi Zedek. IT was VERY difficult for me to swallow my pride and take her there, but I am convinced it's what's best for her and these are some of the sacrafices one makes for their children.

And my little Kindergartner officially now has her very own Library card. She's VERY excited about this. The school and library did a big to do giving all the 5 year old's their own cards.

And as you can see, Natalya is growing up quite nicely. She's a beautiful girl full of energy and spunk:

AND she now loves Sushi too!!
 and she loves being a big sister.

Zach is mostly a very happy baby boy
and we're all in love with him!

So that's a quick update on us. Hopefully I'll be back in to add more family fun before another 10 weeks pass by. :)

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