Thursday, May 7, 2015

Use Your Crystal Ball

MFP saved me once again! I was at Chilis and was looking at their turkey burger. Thinking.. "Turkey... It's lean and therefore a better choice". Populated it in mfp and it clocked in at 1300 calories!!! Whoa!! So all things turkey, doesn't mean it's necessarily all good for you! 

Lesson learned. 

Ordered the grilled chicken salad instead. Oh and 430 calories for that. For the record, the only part of the Chilis menu that shows the calories is the "healthy options". It's about 1/2 a page in their full menu. 

Now I get that mfp and the menu at chilis won't factor the specific macros. So this becomes a caloric numbers game. While 430 is a bit high for me for lunch (I typically shoot for around 300 for lunch), I do know that 1300 is insane! Basically my total for a full day. 

What's my point? 

My point (and why I'm sharing) is that when dining out, if you enter the food you're thinking about eating BEFORE you order it and eat it, you get that moment of pause to consider if what you're thinking of choosing is the best choice for you at that time. It's like having your own personal crystal ball!!! 

For me? I'd rather see the numbers before I eat it. Waiting to log AFTER I've eaten? Well that's going to show me the same numbers but I can't undo it. AFTER I've eaten it's too late to make a better choice in that moment. The moment is gone. The best I can do AFTER I've eaten it is try to do better next time. 

So I'm sharing this tip. Log it before you eat it. You might still choose to eat it. But at least you know what you're getting in to. Right??

#TastyTips #CrystalBall #LogItFirst #myfitnesspal

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