Thursday, March 3, 2011

Learn how to do YOUR job!

OMG... >:( co-worker annoyance vent.

The girl that took over my old territory hasn't been doing her state reporting and just tried to get me to do her work! There is about 6 files that need to be researched and reported and they all came in during January 2011 for stuff that happened month's before that. I was no longer with that territory as of 12/20/2010, therefore any and all requests for these that came in after I left that territory are HER responsibility to do. Not Mine! I have enough I'm responsible for. Seriously, do your own work!

Sorry, it's been festering in me, I needed to vent. Just hate lazy employees who lack knowledge and professionalism and try to get everyone else to do their work under the statement, "but i don't know how to do these, can you just do them for me?" NO! Get the training you obviously are lacking and learn how to do YOUR job!


(thinking AF may be coming... I'm in a mood)


  1. Why must there be so many people out in the world just waiting for everyone else to do the work for them??? It's just not right!

    In my situation, I was firm and polite and told her she'd need to do the work. I also told her manager (my old supervisor and now good friend) that she's off her rocker expecting me to do it, and if she doesn't know how, she ought to go sit with the company training manager and re-learn it! My old supervisor completely agreed and also added that I was not off base in putting this back on the new girl. She's been with this company for 10 years, just on a different team. Yes the new team has some new stuff she hasn't had to do in the past. Guess what girly; now you do!

  2. Furthermore, I'm working in Dept X today, quite busy actually, so I don't have time to play "pop quiz" with Dept Y with something so unnecessary to know at the moment or in the near and/or distant future. If the need to know comes up, I know enough to ASK how to do said pop quiz item. No, supervisor of Dept Y, I truly don't have time to come to your desk so you can show me now how to do said pop quiz item. I went, reluctantly, but seriously, you're messing up MY workflow at the moment! (silently grumbling under my pleasant work demeanor)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.
