Friday, February 3, 2012

Wicked Bad Headaches

Wicked bad headache today, actually, been getting a lot of headaches lately. I'm told it's just a symptom, but have to say it's one I'm not fond of. Tylenol is pretty much useless, and I feel powerless. I'm even trying a very weak cup of coffee with caffeine this morning to try to help. I'm desperate.

As for the PG... it's progressing well. My blood pressure is a bit high, so there is some concern, but honestly, I "do" have some stresses in my life at the moment...

no job for Craig, and he's spiraling into depression, being the sole bread winner in the family, too tired to really help out around the house, so my home is a disaster, buying for baby because no one is really going to help on that end, but being short on funds... possibly having to quit the job I love and pack up what we can to move across country to live with Craig's parents after the baby is born because Craig can't find work, etc.... no surprise my BP is up, right???

OB says I am too heavy and can't gain any more weight (up 10 pounds) and that's pretty much impossible. Oh, and it's very likely I will test positive for GD this time. Joy of joy's.

But... the baby is doing great. We're getting the complex scan including anatomy scan on the 16th. So that's pretty soon, and I can't wait to see Hiccup again.

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