Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Economic Stress Is Getting Me Down

My mother in law is great. She's kind, and compassionate. She's also very focused on getting my family to uproot and move in with her and my father in law this summer in Arizona.

My husband is still out of work, unemployed without unemployment insurance, however, I still have a great job that I love and they love me. I'm paid well enough (for here at least) and have full medical benefits. While they're (medical benefits) not the best, they're not the worst either. True, if DH doesn't get a job soon, my single income isn't going to be enough to keep us in our current apt. BUT DH is stalling on taking just anything because we'll lose a lot of our current healthcare aid which is helping us fund my c-sec this summer and hospital stay.

I love the community we live in. I love our apartment. And I'm getting ready to register my daughter for kindergarten.

I hate Arizona politics. I am not convinced we'll find immediate work there. I think giving up a known job with benefits for an unknown amount of time without any medical or financial assistance is crazy. If I quit my job in VT to move to AZ with my husband, I won't get unemployment either. It's a Vermont thing.

I can return to work as early as 2 months after having the baby 'cause that's when the daycare can take my son.

DH wants to move. MIL wants us to move. I want to stay. Mother in law is pressuring DH. And my stomach is in knots over all of this.

I want DH to pick up any job, even a $10/hr job would be fine, come May/June time frame. That would give us the cash needed to float us during my maternity. And he can still continue to look for work. I am fearful of moving without either of us having a job with benefits already lined up.

I don't want to move my family of 4 into his mother's home. And I don't want to move across country to do this either. I think it's crazy. And I hate that DH thinks it's a good idea.

I don't know how else to communicate to him that I don't want to do this and I think it's a bad idea. He just doesn't want to hear it.

So it's adding to my stress, which is aggravating my blood pressure, which is overall too high and not good for this pregnancy.

I know there is no solution to be found on-line, but needed to just get my thoughts out. I hope we can come to a resolution with this. I don't want to fight and I don't want to split up my family, and I really hope it won't come to that. :(

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