Monday, April 21, 2014

Motivational Monday, and I think this is a great blurb to share.

This was posted on Chalene Johnsons' FB page ( and it really struck a chord with me today.
You've heard many experts say 70% of your physical transformation is likely the result of your nutrition.

And...most agree that your fitness pursuits account for the other 30%

What often gets over looked and under valued is our genetics.

You can improve your body and even to a great degree sculpt your physique, but you can not morph your DNA.

While a genetic predisposition toward obesity or a particular body type is not something I suggest people use as an excuse it is something to be considered when setting realistic goals. It's also what we must factor in when we needlessly compare ourselves to someone else - someone with different DNA.

Genetics determine where WE gain weight first and where it comes off last.

Genetics probably has more to do with your favorite body part than your hard work in the gym. Oh for sure we can "improve" everything we've been given, but it's just unrealistic for someone with short, round, full muscles to assume that if they do pilates they will have the long lanky muscle type of a Cameron Diaz. You have different DNA.

I bet you can think of someone right now who has beautifully round and strong calves. I bet one of their parents (who doesn't workout) has nearly the same
Our genetic makeup determines where we store fat. That is also why it's impossible to spot reduce fat loss.

It also explains why two people who weigh the same, train the same and eat the same will likely have very different body types and perhaps even vastly differing body composition (unless of course they're identical twins).

Now look - I'm not trying to put a damper on your day... Quite the contrary. I want you to know that each of us has our own unique composition, genetic blueprint and body type. It's futile to work towards physical goals that are simply unrealistic, or defeating! Your only competition is you! You should only be try to achieve a better version of what you have or HECK how about learning to be happy with you just the way you are?!!! Now there's a novel idea!

Work to achieve YOUR best result and strive to experience the self love that allows you to be grateful for your amazing body!

No matter how much basketball I play, my legs won't get any longer. Despite all my swimming, my torso will never be long and lean and that's ok! It's ok because I know
If I focus on being a better version of myself I won't be disappointed.

Focus on all that IS GOOD and the blessing of your health. Health is perhaps one of the most precious gifts we have! To focus on "what we don't have" is to be ungrateful.

I'm human. I get caught up in body type comparisons. But I try to stop myself. I put on the brakes..."Are you kidding me? There are people reading this who have lost their ability to exercise, to walk, to speak or even to move freely."
I remind myself on the days I don't really feel like working out that I have been blessed with the "choice". I remind myself how ungrateful it is to be frustrated that "this or that" isn't perfect. Perspective.

And it doesn't hurt to remind yourself that God is fair! That woman with the most amazing abs probably has bad breathe, split ends and sings off tune.

There is no particular exercise that changes your genetic predisposition. Some peopled put on round full muscle, some despite hours and hours of effort will always have a longer, flatter muscle composition. Muscle helps us shape our bodies but the shape of your muscle is very much predetermined by our genetics.... and that's okay!

I'm really struggling with body image at the moment. It's hard for me to mentally wrap my head around the changes going on. And I see the loose skin and I hate it and I work harder to get rid of it, then I don't lose pounds, but start to gain as I tone and get smaller and it just messes with my head! This was a great reminder (and yes many people continue to remind me) that it's all OKAY!

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