Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Yes, I do enjoy my treats, wouldn't you?

I've worked very hard to shift my metabolism, and a nice bonus of that is I get to enjoy treats while staying on track. I love that I'm not on a diet. This really was/is a lifestyle change, and my lifestyle includes enjoying treats. I want to have it all, and I'm figuring out how to do that. Successfully!

This means I can eat whatever I want, just not ALL THE TIME. If I want a high calorie indulgence, fine. I just make sure to allow for that in my food budget, and also make sure I'm doing my exercise. 

Yes, I've lost over 120 pounds. And I've had dessert, often. And I am now one of those people that can eat dessert and lose weight.

That doesn't make me special. That doesn't mean it comes easy.

It doesn't.

I BUST MY ASS!!! I work out. HARD. I put a lot of attention into upping my workout game so my metabolism improves. That means if/when I have a treat, my body burns it off better and more efficiently.

So yes, I will have dessert tonight. I earned it. And I'll keep losing too!

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