Sunday, April 6, 2014

Rest day? More like Restless day!

Today is my "rest" day. However I've barely had a moment to sit down all day! and now that it's nearly 4pm and I'm sitting at my computer to type this post, I feel odd. Like I could still get a workout in before dinner........ but, I do need to let these muscles heal.

Have I gotten addicted to exercise? So much so that when I have a down day, I feel like I'm letting myself down too? It's kind of odd.

So what have I done that HAS kept me busy all day? Today turned into household chore and meal prep day. I was in the kitchen from about 8am - 12 noon. I made the kids breakfast; French Toast. Then I made me breakfast; eggwhite scramble with veggies. Then I started dinner prep for the week. Split Pea and Ham Soup, Fried Rice, Pot Roast......... Got all my meals ready now, by the way, and will get to run auto pilot the rest of the week. yay! Once I finished all the food/cooking, it was time to make lunch! Seriously, can I get out of the kitchen sometime today???

Next came laundry and changing the sheets. Then vacuuming. Next cleaning the cat box and moving all the bags of trash to the curb for pick up tomorrow. Remember, we just moved in. Therefore we have a LOT of trash to be removed.

I kind of find all this a bit funny as I've been go go go all day and my fitbit gives me nada for credit. I think I'm barely clocking 100 calories burned by 4pm. Obviously I've burned more then that. Thankfully my body DOES get the credit even if my fitbit flex doesn't.

How do you REST on your REST day?

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