Friday, January 28, 2011

I'd like to get back to living please

My doc couldn't see me today, but I have an apt. for tomorrow. She told me to continue with the remaining percocet and Tylenol, and we'll re-evaluate it (continued pain, bleeding, opened up incisions) tomorrow. Then I began having horrible ab pain this evening, and found red blood on the TP, so either there is some internal stuff going on, or AF found me. Probably AF, the timing would be correct for that. Just want to get better and get back to life.

I AM going to work Monday no matter what. Even if I have to pop pills at my desk. I can't believe how much work I missed. Yay for paid days off but boo for using them all up right now. This isn't the "vacation" I dreamed of having. But as DH points out, if we move away this summer, I'm quitting anyway, so no need to stress over it, but instead be thankful I have it to use right away (not earned as the month's progress like other companies do).

I do sound like a complaint factory lately. I'm really not a debbie downer, I think I'm just beyond bored. And my DD has been acting up and testing DH's boundaries, which is never good. Just don't poke the bear, you know? So lots of tantrums and time outs lately. Sigh. I want to jump in and take her outside to give him a break, but can't just yet. So it's frustrating for all of us. At least it's all temporary, and we'll be back to our happy selves soon.

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