Wednesday, February 18, 2015

You don't have 10 minutes???

Nothing more satisfying then a post workout "I did it" selfie!‪#‎10MinuteTrainer‬ Cardio; Done! In honor of this being my 1 year anniversary of completing this program which also was my very first beachbody workout. Thank you @beachbodychallenge @beachbodyhq @tonyshorton Seriously... Who doesn't have 10 minutes??? ‪#‎TMT‬‪#‎cardiofix‬ ‪#‎toddlerfun‬ ‪#‎workingoutplaytime‬

This is me doing 10 minute trainer. This a a Team Beachbody workout led by Tony Horton. It's a 2 minute warm up, 10 minute workout and 2 minute cool down. It's fun. It's fast. It's effective.

Want to learn more? Watch the video here: Ten Minute Trainer

Want to pick it up for yourself? Here's the direct link: Ten Minute Trainer Challenge Pack*
*comes with 1 month Shakeology.

Want me to COACH you?? 
Here's the link to sign up for your FREE team beachbody account:

By the way.... this is ME finishing the program after 6 weeks on this day, LAST YEAR! This program works!!!

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