Thursday, December 9, 2010

My Hematoma has a new name...


Hate it when life comes at you hard.

My head is still spinning. Baby making back on hold, doctors orders.

Looks like what my OB thought probably wasn't an issue is turning into an issue. The meeting of the minds now suggests I have something called "Adenomyosis".

The cause is unknown. Sometimes adenomyosis may cause a mass or growth within the uterus, which is called an adenomyoma.

This is what they think is happening to me, and if it is, 1) I won't be able to support a pregnancy; automatic m/c, 2) will continue to grow, making my uterus grow = no good, and 3) will have to come out either via robotic surgery, or full blown hysterectomy.

The next step is to have a MRI done. Just the thought of that process has me scared.

At least DH is being supportive again. He was soft and gentile tonight and after I got off the phone with my OB, I asked him to come over to me. I told him I needed to put the fight on hold, cause I was scared and needed him to hold me.

FWIW... he did.

So what IS Andenomuosis?

"Adenomyosis is uterine thickening that occurs when endometrial tissue, which normally lines the uterus, moves into the outer muscular walls of the uterus.

The cause is unknown. Sometimes adenomyosis may cause a mass or growth within the uterus, which is called an adenomyoma.

Long-term or heavy menstrual bleeding
Painful menstruation , which gets increasing worse
Pelvic pain during intercourse

Most women have some adenomyosis as they near menopause but few women have symptoms, and most women don’t require any treatment.
In some cases, pain medicine may be needed. Birth control pills and a progesterone-containing intrauterine device (IUD) can help decrease heavy bleeding.
A hysterectomy may be necessary in younger women with severe symptoms."

So this is what I'm dealing with. I'm the "younger woman with severe symptoms". Great.

Back on baby making hold, until more tests run. Hoping to have the MRI before the end of January.

Hopefully birth control pills can chill it out while we go through the tests, and then we'll see what we need to do next.

So... I'm scared, and trying not to get too ahead of myself. I am freaked out though.

1 comment:

  1. I am so sorry that you are dealing with this! I would be scared out of my mind. I'm glad that your hubby is being supportive. I know he loves you and wants what is best for you. Prayers for you as you deal with all this overwhelming information.
