Friday, July 29, 2011

A Cautionary Tale... or... Don't piss me off!

Ever witness someone selfishly taking up 2 spaces in a full parking lot? I did today, and right under my nose. AND she took up the LAST 2 spaces. So as she was walking with her two boys to the movie theater, I pulled up along side her, rolled down my window and told her it was inconsiderate, taking up the last 2 spaces with her 1 car.

She could have been apologetic, and re-parked so we could both have a place for our vehicles, but instead she told me to "piss off".

Well something stirred inside of me. I'm usually so quiet. So nice. So easy going. Not today. I snapped. Being pushed around one time too many? Outright rudeness? I couldn't take it. I parked my car in another lot, and headed into the theater. I saw her in the line at the concession counter. I laid into her. Pointing out how unbelievably rude she was, and selfish, and how she's making a terrible example of how people should behave.

She put her hand in my face and waved me off saying "Be gone!"


But instead of saying curse words to her, I got even louder. I made a scene. I publicly embarrassed the hell out of her. I didn't care how I looked, I wasn't going to take it. Not anymore!! I will not be treated like this, and I will not tolerate this. I don't have to take being stepped on and spit at.

I shouted at her, "YOU'RE ARE RUDE", "YOU ARE SELFISH". "RUDE!!" "RUDE!!"

Then I told the manager that they should tow her car, and explained why.

I'm sure they didn't. I'm sure they all wanted me to shut up. I'm sure they all wanted ME to just disappear. Let this be a cautionary tale. I could have keyed her car. I could have slashed her tires. I could have punched that witch in the face. She certainly deserved it.

But I didn't. I made sure that she'll never forget me, or that selfish act, and that there are consequences for your rude actions. To you witch lady I say "Be gone!"


1 comment:

  1. It's funny how many are surprised and a bit upset/concerned that I let her have it, yet so often, I hear these same people say, if I'd only have the opportunity I would give that person a piece of my mind. Well, I did just that, and I felt empowered. It is what it is, it's uncharacteristic for me and my persona, and maybe that's why it was so weird and out of body. I stand proud for making my scene. I probably won't do it again, at least not for a long while, but sometimes you have to speak up on your own behalf, cause if you don't, no one else will.
