Monday, July 19, 2010

3:30pm and boy are my arms tired

Can't beleive how tired I am. Don't ever remember being this run down. Wondering if I'm even in shape enough to run this marathon?

Just sent Craig a note to raincheck the grocery store after work. Just want to crawl under a pile of blankets and sack out!

U/S #1 is scheduled. They're not as interested/concerned in seeing the HB, but if we do bonus. They want to see how the progression looks. Make sure not in tubes, implanted the right place, etc. So if we get a HB, cool, and if not, no matter, cause I'm probably going to be back often for frequent scans. At least I don't have to have a full bladder. Vag u/s not my favorite, but you know, worth it.

7/30/10 at 11am, and with the infertility RE I was org. to see on 7/28's now cancelled apt. So very happy getting a GOOD Dr. to review all of this with. Yay.

AFM - tired, wicked tired. Cold and cranky too. Pesky hormone surge, I'm a mess. Well off to pee and eat again.

1 comment:

  1. how fun! you have a blog. good work. i'll be following along watching your little bean grow. congratulations.
    -your friend from FF
