Friday, July 30, 2010

U/S 1 done - Measuring 4 days behind.

Had my u/s today, and we saw that yes, I am pregnant. There was a gestational sac and a yolk sac, and it was in my uterus, so no ectopic worries, etc. No fetus yet, no heart beat yet, and measuring 4 days behind.

This baffled me as I am positive of my "o" date, but guess I'm not exact on fertilization date which is when the dating officially begins. The doctor looked at my chart and thinks that we may had fertilized the egg around the 4th, not the 30th, which puts us off exactly 4 days. So my EDD changed to 3/27/10, and I'm apparently 5w5d today. Not quite a "pea" yet.

He wants me to come back on 8/13/10 for another u/s. Friday the 13th. Eek. Hopefully in 2 weeks we'll see a happier result. The good news, I'm still PG, just not as PG as I thought I was.

4 days off shouldn't be a big deal, but for some reason, it was a bit upsetting to me. Probably have too much knowledge of what's going on with my body/cycle.

When I was surprised about how I wasn't as far along as I thought, the Doctor explains, "well, that's why we go by LMP"... Um, excuse, me... if we go by that then I'd be even further that my calculations... My LMP puts me at 6w4d. But I'm measuring 5w5d. Explain that to me!

Oh well, just trying to remain calm. I'm still pregnant, I'm still pregnant, I'm still pregnant...

Will see what we have to see in 2 weeks. Great...... another 2 week wait. Ugh.

1 comment:

  1. Barbara, I measured 4 days behind at my first ultrasound too - you may remember my post on Fomo about it. I was nervous too, because - like you - I was positive about my O date. But my little one is doing just fine now - I haven't had any more u/s's, but we've got a strong heartbeat (doppler) and so far, everything is looking great. Many of the Fomo girls reassured me that they too had had early u/s's be off and everything is fine. The ultrasound equipment can be off something like +/- 4-5 days too. I'll keep my fingers crossed & you all in my prayers. Hang in there! ((HUGS))
