Saturday, September 25, 2010

A new day, a new plan

Taly woke us up early. I got up to help her, and let Craig sleep in. Taly and I went on a early donut run. Lots of fun, but she was miffed we didn't eat at Dunkin Donuts.

Get home, wake up Craig and get down to donuting. Taly had MORE than her share, so now completely hopped up on sugar.

Then Taly and I clean up and head back out, off to the playground. After a goodtime, we ventured over to the library where we checked out a ridiculous amount of books. More than her weight, that's for certain.

Managed to keep her go go going until 1:45pm. Now it's time to chill out 'cause I'm worn out. I think Taly is having a sugar crash wind down too. Maybe we can both get some rest.

I'm proud of myself for getting out. Have tomorrow to plan out, as Craig will still be doing homework and unavailable. And I kind of want to get my hair done. It's too long and too grey.

Maye I can get out tomorrow??? I just don't know. If nothing else, we'll go to price chopper so Taly can play in the "playroom" there while I have a cup of coffee and a bagel.

A new day, a new plan.

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