Sunday, September 26, 2010

To do it all over again, could we?

I have to wonder, if we (DH and I) DO get PG again, would it be better to announce it right away, or better to keep it all a secret again?

I'm now leaning towards telling the world the first day I POAS and see PG again. This way, if I was to cope with another loss, the compassion and support would be there earlier for me.

But then I wonder, if I'll ever see a PG on an HPT again. I just don't know if the strength is here to TTC again.

At this point I suppose it's all too soon to make a decision as to whether we'll try once again, or just be done with all of this. I selfishly assumed the decision was mine alone to make. But DH has feelings too, and since this is another loss for him, we both wonder if either of us has the strength to try all of this again for yet another possible heart ache.

Neither of us wants to make the definitive decision, but it's kind of out there and on our minds, yet I'm struggling with the finality of it. Could I really be the person that can accept being done? Could he? Could our hearts? Can we be strong again? And if so what happens if we fail again? Or if blessed finally?

I wonder when we'll get to the place we can rationally and not emotionally charged make the decision to try or not to try.

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