Monday, September 27, 2010

Sick and Tired

So now my DD is sick. We think she may actually have a mild case of the chicken pox! She was exposed to the virus last week apparently at her pre-k, and while she is vaccinated, she can still get it.

I looked up chicken pox sypmtoms online and this is her exactly:
[i]"Some kids have a fever, abdominal pain, sore throat, headache, or a vague sick feeling a day or 2 before the rash appears. These symptoms may last for a few days, and fever stays in the range of 100°-102° F"[/i]

She's been complaining of a sore tummy and headache the past two days, tonight she has a fever 101.5, and had shivering chills for over an hour until I could get the baby motrin into her. Thank god for that, she felt so much better after it kicked in.

So needless to say, we are hopeful for a 24hr bug, but are preparing for the pox. At least she probably won't get the itchy blisters, thanks to her being vaccinated. She'll just feel like crud for a few days.

Which means, no pre-school, and this is a short week, so no school on Thu and Fri anyway.

Guess what this may do to my returning to work!

So tomorrow, DH is going in to his work in the AM, and will come home at lunch so I can go in to my work and make an "appearance". At least that's the plan thus far.

I've alerted my office of this plan, and hopefully we'll get through tomorrow with little to no bumps.

Needless to say, I'm VERY glad I had a "me" day today.

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