Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Birthday party blues

Now I have the birthday party blues. One of the families just cancelled on us for this Sat. party. Now I'm paying for 4 kids, only have 3, and two are siblings/grandchildren of my friends. Don't know their parents well and now have none of Taly's "friends" actually coming. :(

So DH is mad, and scrambling to invite more children. I say let it alone, it is what it is. Getting a last min. invite 3 days before hand, can't think folks will just be sitting around waiting for us to come along with something fun for their kid to do. There is so much family stuff going on this weekend it's (our party) a hard sell.

I guess I'm sad because we just don't have friends here. Even with DD in pre-k the kids we invited all declined. Most had other plans even though I did send invites 3 weeks ahead. Also a month ahead with a save the date!

On Monday night, her actual birthday, we're having one of the last min. cancelled families to our home for dinner and cake and the girls can play. So I'm salvaging what I can.

The weather forecast tomorrow through Monday (her actual birthday)... Rain, wind, cold!

So much for going to the park to ride the new bike she's getting.

I'm hurt and sad, but still hopeful she'll still be happy and have a good time. She's not going to remember this, right?

I can't even have my co-workers come at this late date. My manager's son turns 5 on Sat. and most of them are going to her party.

So there is a huge affair for him somewhere else. Also, I could just cancel our party, but already paid the deposit...


Thanks for letting me vent. Just need a hug right now.

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