Tuesday, October 12, 2010

To stay or To go?

I'm sitting at work. Been an energizer bunny with processing my reports and now I'm in a lull. Waiting for data to move forward, but not really being enthusiastic to grab someone else's work... my excuse... I'm not all here. So I'm twiddling my thumbs, and contemplating calling it a day to head home and get a nap in. I'm super tired. Had horrible insomnia last night and HAD to get up early so DH could make his early AM meeting. Need to do it all again tomorrow for MY early AM meeting. Hah.

Now that the work flow is not flowing, I find myself getting lost in my thoughts. Not a terribly great place to be when at work.

Maybe I need to bring a book in? Wondering if they'd cut me slack 'cause of my situation? (Here, if you're done and or waiting for data, you are suppose to help out your co-worker with their portfolio's too)

I just don't want to take someone else's work and try to figure out the back history. At least with my own portfolio, I know the history already and makes it easier to deal with, even when the reporting is a nightmare. Guess I prefer my own nightmare to someone else's.

So should I stay and surf/read a book, possibly getting reprimanded, or say screw it and veg out at home until it's time to get DD and DH from daycare and work?

ETA: crap... cramps. sigh. Guess I'm heading home to my heating pad.

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