Thursday, August 12, 2010

Babies and PG announcements are flying!

My co-worker's daughter has been trying to make a baby for about a year now. My co-worker and I have been sharing the TTC journey together, (yet I still haven't told her I'm PG) as I had been TTC for 8 cycles before I got my BFP.

Her daughter calls into the office today to annouce she just POAS and had two BFPs. She's about 4-5 weeks PG and due mid-April.

While I'm super thrilled for all of them, it was quite a site seeing how happy my co-workers all were for her news. And yet I still reamain silent. Terrified to spill my own beans.

I have an u/s tomorrow. 2nd one to check viability. I keep saying I won't announce until after my NT scan, but I feel so left out of the celebrations, that I'm tempted to announce here sooner.

I know it's hormones, and I know when I do finally announce and everyone calculates my EDD and comes to the realization I've been PG for month's now, they'll be really happy for us and amazed I kept it quiet for so long.

This is a very family friendly office, babies get passed around all the time. So I know in my heart they will all be happy for me. I know if I told them, and something terrible happened, they will all be there for me. So what is it I'm affraid of? Why am I resistant to make my announcement?

Maybe I just want to be the center of attention when it's my turn to tell. So much baby news recently, and I don't want to be lost in the crowd.

Probably is hormones. Going to eat lunch #1 now. :)

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